Push Safety
Recognising that the safety aspect of our work with existing retail clients was becoming increasingly more important, we decided in 2011 to give it the focus and resources it deserved by establishing sister company Push Safety. With its own qualified safety experts working with Push Retail’s design and project management team, Push Safety was positioned to help retailers - and retail landlords - identify and address the hazards that exist in (and are often quite peculiar to) their own retail backyards.
While a lot of O.H.S. Consultants are very good at identifying and assessing hazards; we’ve not found many that are particularly good at coming up with sensible, cost-effective solutions to mitigate the risks. In addition, not many have the design and project management expertise to manage the implementation of the solutions; particularly across multiple sites and where they involve architectural solutions. And not many truly understand retail - and retailers. Not like we do anyway.
Safety improvement projects are often looked on as a distraction from the bigger picture on which most retailers (and landlords) are focused i.e. it doesn’t generate sales (or rental income)! This is where when can come in and get things sorted, by partnering with our clients to help drive their safety strategy.
Most of the retail safety projects we’ve been engaged to complete have been around loading docks and materials-handling equipment. We’ve worked a lot to help mitigate the risks associated with the goods receiving process.
Worksafe’s May 2009 Alert regarding an avoidable Victorian shopping centre pedestrian fatality suddenly raised awareness of the need for hazard controls to be designed into existing dock areas where uncontrolled hazards exist. (These controls don’t have to be complicated. We can usually design simple, cost-effective measures to mitigate a lot of the risks we see.)
Clients for whom we’ve managed the rollout of major retail WH&S initiatives and other safety projects include: